
To be an alien is to weave new worlds.

Diasporic visions stitch ocular threads

Through liquid, filament, glitch.

Perspectives from peripheries

Mark tapestries cosmic

On skin,

On lips,

On alien eyes.

New worlds that whisper

That gyrate

That undulate

Truths sweat and sung

To plasma and ether.

To be an alien is to weave new worlds.

For those who dare to enter

See now, the portal is open.


Weaving Worlds features live performances, installations, and moving image works by the three founding members of the performance art platform Diasporas Now. The platform’s solo exhibition at Somers Gallery (formerly known as the U.K. Mexican Arts Society) opens a portal into the immersive and embodied storytelling of Rieko Whitfield, Paola Estrella, and Lulu Wang. 

Diasporas Now connects communities of multidisciplinary performance artists from non-Western backgrounds to global audiences through live-streamed programmes on DiasporasNow.com. 

Rieko Whitfield is a Japanese-American artist, healer, and songwriter creating propositional speculative mythologies. 

Paola Estrella is a Mexican multimedia artist whose practice involves creating fictional worlds centered on intimacy, desire, and becoming.

Lulu Wang is a Chinese performance artist exploring symbiotic relationships between the familiar and the alien through trace making, moving image and live performance.

Whitfield, Estrella, and Wang are MA graduates of the Royal College of Art. 

Weaving Worlds exhibition at Somers Gallery

Weaving World live performances by Whitfield, Estrella and Wang

Diasporas Now at Somers Gallery